Our Mission is to provide support for inclusive athletic experiences for children with special needs, encourage a healthy lifestyle through physical activity for children and support our communities’ future educators.
Our Goals
We are committed to continuing and growing the Camp of Champions, providing footwear to as many local students in need as possible and helping ease the financial burden of higher education for our community’s future educators.
See what the Camp of Champions is all about!

Inaugural Tom Alper Memorial Scholarships Awarded
On June 3rd at the Elizabeth Forward Senior Awards night, Ms. Gracie Elster and Mr. Korey Dovichin were each presented with $1,000 to help them pursue undergraduate degrees in Education

Tom Alper Memorial Scholarship Application
We are now accepting applications for the Tom Alper Memorial Scholarship open January 1st 2019–February 28th 2019. Visit our Scholarship Page to download the application and to learn more.
In order to do this, we need your help!
Please click the Donate button below or send checks made payable to Alper’s Champions at 761 Sunset Circle, Cranberry Twp, PA 16066 to make a monetary contribution to our efforts.